Manon Hullot
Manon Hullot obtained a PhD in paleobiology from the University of Montpellier (France) in 2018. Her research focuses on the reconstruction of the paleoecology of mammals in a context of climate changes. To do so, she uses a multi-proxy approach based on methods used in ecology, geochemistry, archeology and paleontology to propose dietary and habitat preferences, stress susceptibilities, and paleobiological aspects (body mass, mortality profiles). Her current post doctoral project at the Paläontologisches Museum in Munich (Germany) takes interest in the impact of glaciations on the Rhinocerotidae paleoecology. It compares two major events of the Cenozoic, the Mi-1 (23 Mya, Oligocene-Miocene and Palaeogene-Neogene transitions) and the last glaciation of the Cenozoic (Würm-Weichselian, ~ 115 to 11,7 kya). Interestingly these glaciation events also corresponds to crucial periods in the evolutionary history of the rhinocerotids: their diversification and their extinction in Europe. The Pleistocene part of this project studies the woolly rhinoceros to provide new insights into the extinction of this species from Western Europe.